Tuesday 19 July 2011

The man who did this is a fool

Perhaps the most important select committee hearings for 30 years. And what will we see most of. This video of an 80 year old man being attacked.

It takes a special kind of stupidity to get the world feeling sorry for Rupert Murdoch. But that idiot 'Jonnie Marbles' has managed it.


Just seen this spot on tweet from Tom Harris

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Richard! I agree the man who did this is a complete fool (and that's putting it mildly!).

    As I understand it, presently the public are denied the opportunity from witnessing the back and forth first-hand. This is not good.

    If May-Bowles was carrying a metal aerosol container into the Commitee chamber, having past-through a security-cordon which includes metal-detection apparatus ..this raises serious questions in itself.

    I sincerely hope that the Public will again be extended an invitation to witness, first-hand, the explanations of those involved in this process.

    All the best.
