Tuesday 5 July 2011

The Press Complaints Commission: Clearly not fit for purpose.

I've linked here to the interview Peta Buscombe, Chair of the Press Complaints Commission, has just given on The Daily Politics.

Everyone should watch it, as it's one of the most extraordinary interviews I've ever seen.

Hats off to Andrew Neil for mercilessly pursuing Peta Buscombe into revealing that nothing that has emerged about this scandal has done so as a result of the PCC. She also admitted that she felt News International had misled her. It's a brilliant piece of questioning and truly illuminating about how little the PCC has been able to do to control, regulate or punish the press for it's phone hacking misdemeanours - of which the allegations about the Milly Dowling affair are truly the most horrendous yet, by an enormous distance.

Other than the appropriate investigations and punishments for those responsible for the alleged hacking, I hope that another repercussion of the revelations is a root and branch review of how the press are regulated.

I actually quite like Peta Buscombe, and she gave an excellent defence vs. Paxman and Prescott on Newsnight a couple of weeks ago. But today, her organisation has sadly been truly exposed as not fit for purpose.


I've embedded the interview on the link below but it's a BBC embed so will not work on all mobile Apple devices I'm afraid - will replace it when the interview makes it to You tube!

1 comment:

  1. You might find two pieces relevant on this subject that I've written. Take a look at this piece on the News of the World episode:


    And this one on the demise of the incompetent PCC:

