Tuesday 11 September 2012

Rabbit from the hat: Nick Clegg announces Jo Swinson is new Equalities Minister

Fair play to Nick, this e mail has just gone out to members announcing that Lib Dems will indeed keep the Equalities brief, which will now rest in the hands of Jo Swinson

Losing this brief has been one of the biggest gripes of the reshuffle so it's very good news. I guess there will be debate again about whether once again this has only happened thanks to grass roots pressure or if it was always planned (in which case why wait a week to announce it?)

But for now let's be happy at the news.

Bigots everywhere beware

Here's the mail....

Dear Richard,

Tonight I've been hosting a reception to celebrate the Coalition's commitment to equal marriage, an issue I'm very proud that Liberal Democrats are delivering on in Government.

I was delighted to be joined at the reception by Jo Swinson MP - who I'm pleased to announce is our new Equalities Minister, in addition to her role as Minister for Employment Relations and Consumer Affairs.

Jo is one of the new Liberal Democrat team in Government; I am also delighted to welcome back David Laws and to bring Jenny Randerson, Don Foster and Tom Brake into Government roles. Their ability, enthusiasm and wisdom will be crucial as the Coalition puts Liberal Democrat policies and values into action.

I would also like to pay tribute to Sarah Teather, Paul Burstow, Andrew Stunell and Nick Harvey. They have all played a big part in making our country more liberal and have a number of significant achievements to their names. I know they will all continue to have a huge role in our party.

Equal marriage is just one of the many Liberal Democrat achievements in Government that our new Ministerial team are committed to delivering. We'll also be fighting to make tax fairer, promote jobs and growth, improve education and protect the environment.

That is what Liberal Democrats are in politics for - and what Liberal Democrats in the Coalition
Government will deliver.

Best Wishes,


Nick Clegg
Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister
PS Lynne Featherstone is the latest Minister to be doing an online Q&A for Lib Dem members. Register here to put your questions to her next Tuesday.

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