Thursday 6 September 2012

Were Zac and I at different meetings?

In his recent report to constituents, Zac Goldsmith commented on the new school proposed for Kingston, saying...

I arranged for Kingston Councillors and education officers to meet to (sic) Sam Freedman, the Secretary of State for Education's Senior Policy Advisor, to discuss alternative funding mechanisms for a much-needed new secondary school, including the free school option, which the Council has now selected as its preferred route. Following this meeting, I organised and chaired a public meeting to discuss the free school option. A clear majority of residents who attended the meeting were receptive to the idea, and a further meeting will be held in September LINK.  I am confident that if we submit a strong application for a free school, and if it is supported by parents, we will secure the funding we need to help address the lack of secondary school places in the Borough.

I have highlighted the bit I have a problem with in Red.

I don't think you know that, Zac

There was no vote.

Many of the questions were based on why was a Free School solution being thrust upon the children and parents of North Kingston.

Another example of how this solution is being forced through. In marketing we call things like  this 'the assumptive sell' .

No one said Yes at that meeting Zac. It would be wrong to pretend they did

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