'Oh, so that's who Richard Morris is..." Lord Hattersley on The Daily Politics

'An influential activist' - The Guardian

'Iain Dale, without the self loathing' - Matthew Fox in The New Statesman

You are a tinker...' - Tim Farron

Saturday 14 September 2013


At 10 pm tonight in a lavish, money no object red carpet type affair that couldn't be more glamorous if Russell Brand was giving out the gongs, it will be the LVD Awards. And I thought a brief review of the main runners and riders for the big one, the BLOGGER OF THE YEAR would be in order..

But before that, can I just say a big thumbs up to the team at LDV who have rejigged, reformatted and althogether transformed the awards this year - new categories, a combination of judged awards and elected awards, great communications. The BOTYS have their shine back no doubt about it.

Anyway on to the shortlist. And what a great list it is this year.

Jonathan Calder for Liberal England
The Godfather of Lib Dem Blogging.
Zoe O’Connell for Complicity
Considered, intelligent and informed. 
Mark Pack for Mark Pack
The best read Lib Dem Blogger bar none
Sam Phripp for So Sam Said
The PPC fighting Jacob Ress Mogg at GE 2015. All you need to know
David Boyle’s The Real Blog
Proper blog posts on a wide range of subjects. Not a gossip. a proper read
Passionate. Caring. Quite sweary.  Brilliant

Frankly, I don't know how they are going to pick a winner. But they shall. and in around 90 minutes of so, all be revealed.
So many congrats to all those nominated.


Many congrats to the winner, David Boyle. A serious writer who backs it all up with evidence. A great blog

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