'Oh, so that's who Richard Morris is..." Lord Hattersley on The Daily Politics

'An influential activist' - The Guardian

'Iain Dale, without the self loathing' - Matthew Fox in The New Statesman

You are a tinker...' - Tim Farron

Friday 17 June 2011

I got Olympic tickets & I'm still livid about the whole thing.

I realise that compared to most, I haven't got anything to whinge about - indeed, I'm, still reeling at the news that I'm in a minority having received an allocation of tickets for the Olympics - just 36% of people who applied got anything. Gobsmacking.

But apart from a community minded sense of indignation at the ridiculous situation we find ourselves in, I've still got lots to moan about...and it would be nice if Jeremy Hunt & Hugh Robertson got off their arses and did something about it.

The entire process of ticket allocation has been designed to suit, not the paying public (and let's not forget, the tax paying public - we're paying for our tickets twice) but for the benefit of the organisers. Hence the encouragement to apply for multiple tickets 'to ensure you don't miss out'; and the advice to apply for less popular sports for the same reason (which means people have targeted events expected to be less popular, and still missed out - Archery being a great example). The encouragement to pursue these strategies was entirely for the benefit of the organisers to maximise sales - to get people to apply for more expensive tickets so they had a better chance of 'winning' tickets for the events they wanted most, and the fact that people had to apply for far more tickets than they could possibly afford, to increase their chances. I applied for £1700 worth ( to get an allocation of £300 or so of tickets). If I'd won all of my allocation, I'd have been in real trouble. The line I've been told 'there was no chance of you getting them all so there was no need to worry' - just doesn't wash. How many should I have expected to get ? 10%? 90%?

But that's not the worst thing.

No, the worst thing is, I still don't know - over a month after tickets were allocated - what I've got tickets for. I applied for groups of 5 tickets for the whole family for 5 different events (except in gymnastics where you could only apply for 4 - sod you if your whole family wants to go to that, seemed to be LOCOG attitude).

But have I got a single block of tickets to one event for all the family?

Or 5 single tickets to 5 single events so we all have to go on our own (which won't be happening as the kids are too young).

Or a mixture?

And will I learn what I've got tickets to before sales re open? So I can judge whether to have another go?

None of this of course matters to LOCOG. They've got my money.

It also seems I can't call them; or e mail them; or ask them anything. Because they don't really care what I think. They just think I should be grateful.

Don't get me wrong - I am thrilled I've got tickets. I really am. And I feel desperately sorry for everyone who hasn't been allocated any.

I just wish I was being treated like a customer; or at least a human. Rather than just a convenient source of revenue.


Apparently I should have received an e mail today from LOCOG telling me that I won Olympic tickets. I haven't. I've just had a bill from VISA. This whole thing is a disgrace.

Further Addendum

In the spirit of openness and fairness it seems I was sent an e mail today confirming that I had been allocated some tickets (though not which ones); ironically - my firewall classed it as spam. Says it all really.

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